You will come to realize how much you mean to me I love you so much 26 In your heart, there is a place I have been willing to stay, it is called a place of love and passion If you can give me the privilege to stay there, I will be the gladdest person in this world for you I love you so much 27 Coming to this world is a beautiful thingI Love You in Spanish All about love If you want to tell someone just how much you love them, then this is the list of translations for you Amante Lover Amor Love Amor a primera vista Love at first sight Buenos días mi amor Good morning my love Buenas noches mi amorI love her so much Mi dulce hija, la quiero tanto She really misses me, and I love her so much Me extraña y la amo mucho I love her so much, but I make her unhappy La quiero demasiado, pero la hago llorar I love her so much, it hurts La amo tanto que me duele It's just that I love her so much

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